Welcome to our blog,
Here we deal with common questions about life as a Jew in the workplace, the challenges the modern world puts in front of a true and sincere oved Hashem (servant of G-d), and insight into what the “real world” looks like and how to prepare for it in advance.
We post articles and content of different types. Besides interesting college facts and news, we also address contemporary issues and questions about the importance of hishtadlus, emunah, and mussar in the workplace, and aim to provide practical guidance on how to deal with cultural and religious challenges.
We also provide practical study advice on how to best organize one’s schedule, keep up with the plan, and master the course work.
We hope you enjoy our blog. If you do, please make sure to share it with your network and friends on social media. If there are any specific topics you’d like us to address, please send an email to: marketing@woodmontcollege.edu