
Scholarship Options

Scholarship Terms

  • All scholarships are renewed annually based on students’ fulfillment of requirements.
  • Dean’s and Academic Scholars must maintain at least a 3.5 GPA (B+ average). Dean’s Scholars must be consecutively enrolled in at least 3 courses per semester.
  • Need-based scholarship recipients must submit tax returns every year they are awarded the scholarship.
  • Some scholarships are limited to students pursuing their first degree.
  • Scholarships do not include fees and textbook costs
  • Failure to uphold terms of scholarships may result in students being retroactively charged full tuition for courses.
  • Non-matriculating and auditing students may not be eligible to apply for scholarships.
  • Woodmont College does not offer discounts on tuition.


Failure to uphold some terms of scholarships may result in students being retroactively charged full tuition for courses.

All scholarships and financial assistance packages refer to tuition fees only. There is no reduction for other fees or textbooks. All scholarship awards are at the discretion of the institution.

Non-matriculating and auditing students may not be eligible to apply for scholarships.

Some scholarships are limited to students pursuing their first degree.

Woodmont College does not offer discounts on tuition.


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