The Woodmont College administration and leadership are excited to welcome Joelle Nadjari who joins the team as Director of Admissions and Student Recruitment. Woodmont College is preparing for a busy academic year 2021. We anticipate establishing exciting new partnerships with Jewish high schools, yeshivot, seminaries, and other institutions in North America, Israel and beyond. We...Read More
By Devora Kaye Set Realistic Goals You need to be passionate and self-driven to succeed at online learning. Keep in mind your end goal, why you signed up, and what you hope to achieve. Focus on the larger picture and then take it one step at a time. Treat your online study like a real...Read More
By Tzivia Reiter Finding Your own Rhythm in the Work/Family Dance. Figuring out how to balance work and family is an ongoing struggle for working mothers. It’s a matter of allocating not only our time, but also our physical, emotional, and psychological energy between the two spheres of our lives. Elke, an accountant: “I...Read More
Orchos Chaim: Ben Torah for Life Reviewed by Rabbi Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer Author: Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky, Published by: Eshel Publications New York, 2018 231 pages Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky’s Ben Torah for Life is a theoretical and practical guide for kollel graduates to orient themselves away from a life in yeshivah to that in the...Read More
By Rabbi Yonoson Rosenblum Every year dozens of very good Jewish books appear, works that inform, uplift, and inspire, and from which most of us would greatly profit if we had time to read them all. And then there are the one or two works that by virtue of the importance of the subject...Read More