Course Descriptions



In-depth study of Sefer Bereishis with Rashi’s commentary. Students will study the entire Sefer Bereishis with selected comments from Rashi. Additionally, students will analyze the various anecdotes in Sefer Bereishis along with themes and personalities within the sefer.

BIBL 202Advanced Genesis: Intensive Analysis

The course covers the entire text of the Book of Genesis (Creation, Man in the Garden, Genealogy of Mankind, Tower of Babel, Ten Trials of Avraham, Covenant, Sodom, Eliezer & Rivka, Laban, Avraham vs Isaac, Jacob’s deception, Leah and Rachel, Laban, Eisav, Shechem, Yosef and the brothers, Yosef in Egypt, Persecution of brothers, Jacob’s blessing) with a range of well-known Midrashim, sections from the Talmud, medieval and modern commentaries.

BIBL 210Yechezkel

Students study the first half of the book of Yechezkel, Ezekiel. The instructor explains the pshat, or basic meaning of the text, utilizing classical commentaries such as Rashi. Additionally, the instructor delves into the deeper meaning and messages of the text, applying its messages to life.

BIBL 221The Books of Daniel and Trei Asar

The book of Daniel is a unique part of the Written Torah. It is mainly written in Aramaic and describes the fascinating and inspirational life of the prophet Daniel. Students will study Daniel, focusing on timeless messages, many of which relate to the Exile and its eventual end. In the second part of the course, the instructor explores Trei Asar, the shorter prophesies of the late Era of Prophecy. These prophecies speak of fundamental concepts such as sin, retribution, repentance, forgiveness, and redemption.

BIBL 222XMegillos

In-depth study of Megillos Esther and Rus with Rashi’s commentary. Students will study the entirety of Esther and Rus with selected comments from Rashi. Additionally, students will analyze the various anecdotes in both Megillos along with themes and personalities within the sefer.

BIBL 230XEarly Prophets

Students learn the first two books of the “Early Prophets:” Yehoshua, and Shoftim. Students will attain a good survey knowledge of the two books. This will be accomplished by reading through the material, to attain basic familiarity with the history, personalities, etc. Students will learn particular themes in greater depth. These will involve the interpretations of the classical commentators over the centuries, regarding different topics.

BIBL 300XChumash in Depth

Study of Sefer Shemos in an in-depth, commentary-based format. Students will be required to develop themes, research commentaries, and provide various perspectives on the major issues developed in the text.

BIBL 311Yirmiyahu I

Students study the themes inherent in the first half of the Book of Yirmiyahu. The course focuses on both the structure and beauty of the text, the historical background to the prophecies studied, as well as on the inspiration and spiritual impact that the timeless words of Yirmiyahu have on our lives today.

BIBL 402XBook of Yona

An analysis of the entire book of Yona, its main themes, and the overall purpose of prophecy and prophets.

BIBL 421Tehillim

Students analyze selected chapters in the book of Tehillim (Psalms). A superficial reading of the text will not reveal the uniqueness of each chapter of Psalms, as praise and pleading seemingly repeat themselves again and again.

Through the use of many commentaries, the instructor breaks down every chapter into its components and clarifies the distinctions between them. What emerges is a new understanding and appreciation of the precision and pathos contained in Tehillim.


CPT 101Computer Applications

Computer Applications is designed to enable students to become competent using computers and their applications. Emphasis in this course will be placed on Microsoft applications, in particular word processing (Microsoft Word), spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel), databases (Microsoft Access), and multimedia presentations (Microsoft PowerPoint). Students will also learn how to use Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft Sway, Microsoft Mix, and Microsoft Edge, applications which enhance productivity and make collaboration easy.

CPT 105Management Information Systems

This course, an introduction to computer systems for non-majors is an excellent overview of all aspects of technology. The course provides current information from the digital space to artificial intelligence. Students will cover a large variety of topics and become familiar with the entire landscape of technology in today’s world.

CPT 111Programming in Java

CPT 101 or CPT 105 (pre- or co-requisite), MAT 102

This course provides the beginning programmer with a guide to developing applications using the Java programming language. Java is popular among professional programmers because it can be used to build visually interesting graphical user interface (GUI) and Web-based applications. Java also provides an excellent environment for the beginning programming. A student can quickly build useful programs while learning the basics of structured and object-oriented programming techniques.

CPT 121Web Development I

CPT 101 or CPT 105 (pre- or co-requisite), MAT 102, recommended CPT 210

This course teaches the three fundamental web development technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Students will learn how to design a site’s layout and typography using CSS, make elements move on a page with CSS transformations and transitions, animate with CSS and the HTML5 Canvas element, write HTML that’s responsive web design-ready. Students will also learn to design a site for mobile devices.

CPT 202Operating Systems

Pre-Requisites: CPT 101 or CPT 105

This course provides an introduction to operating system basics with the intent of giving a student a deeper understanding of various operating systems. Operating systems covered include Windows 7 through Windows 10 desktop operating systems, Windows Server, UNIX/Linux, and Mac OS X operating systems. Students will learn some networking basics and information involving how to create mixed environments.

CPT 210Database Management

Pre-Requisites: CPT 101 or CPT 105, MAT 102

This course will give students a solid foundation in database design and implementation. It provides in-depth coverage of database design, demonstrating that the key to successful database implementation is in proper design of databases to fit within a larger strategic view of the data environment. Topics covered include: using C++/Java to develop Web-based database applications, SQL and manipulating relational data; applications programming for relational databases; physical characteristics of databases; achieving performance and reliability with database systems; object-oriented and distributed information systems

CPT 212Programming in Python

Pre-requisites: CPT 101 or CPT 105 (re-or co-requisite), MAT 102

Python is a language with a simple syntax, and a powerful set of libraries. It is an interpreted language, with a rich programming environment, including a robust debugger and profiler. While it is easy for beginners to learn, it is widely used in many scientific areas for data exploration. This course is an introduction to the Python programming language for students without prior programming experience. Students are first introduced to the fundamentals of data storage, input and output, control structures, functions, sequences and lists, file I/O, and objects that are created from standard library classes. Students then learn to write classes, explore the topics of inheritance and polymorphism, and learn to write recursive functions. Finally, students learn to develop simple event-driven GUI applications.

CPT 222Web Development II

Pre-Requisites: CPT 101 or CPT 105, CPT 121, MAT 102, CPT 111 or CPT 212, CPT210

Web development consists of coding for both the client side and server side. Using real-world examples and a step-by-step approach, in this course students will learn to code for the server-side of web development. Languages such as PHP together with MySQL, or node.js, is taught, together with the issues and challenges that face the server-side developer.

CPT 230Web Development III

Pre-Requisites: CPT 101 or CPT 105, CPT 210, MAT 102, CPT 121, CPT 222, CPT 111 or CPT 212

This advanced web development course builds on Web Development II. In this course,students will learn how to use advanced web development technologies such as REACT, ES6 modules, webpack, and other JavaScript frameworks.

CPT 260C# Programming with Visual

Pre-Requisites: CPT 101 or CPT 105
This course uses C# as the programming language for software development; however, the basic programming concepts presented can be applied to a number of other languages. Instead of focusing on the syntax of the C# language, this course uses the C# language to present general programming concepts. Once you develop a thorough understanding of one programming language, you can effectively apply those concepts to other programming languages.

CPT 311Fundamentals of Networking

Pre-Requisites: CPT 105, CPT 202, at least one semester of mathematics
This course is designed to prepare students to take the CompTIA Network+ N10-007 exam. The qualification obtained upon successful completion of the exam provides students with a solid foundation of networking, and is the prerequisite to more advanced CompTIA certifications. This qualification will enable students to begin a career in network administration. The Network+ exam is recognized by employers globally as a statement that an individual has a core set of skills, which are required for most entry-level IT jobs everywhere.

CPT 401Information Security

Pre-Requisites: CPT 105, CPT 202, CPT 210, CPT 311, two semesters of any programming language

This course prepares students to take the CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 certification exam. Students will gain competency in topics such as threats, vulnerabilities, and attacks, system security, network infrastructure, access control, cryptography, risk management, and organizational security. This course covers each of the domains for the Security+ SY0-501 certification to help students prepare for that exam. The fundamentals taught in this class will help prepare students for a career as a cybersecurity analyst.

CPT 450Systems Analysis and Design

Pre-Requisites: CPT 105, CPT 202, CPT 210, CPT 311, CPT 401, Two semesters of any programming language (at least one Object-Oriented language), one semester of mathematics.

This course presents the latest systems development methods, tools, and techniques. This course concentrates on the fundamentals of systems design, analysis of information requirements, and the analysis process. Students learn prototyping, how to manage projects and use CASE and OOM tools. Students will be able to, upon completing this course, analyze a problematic system and design a solution.

CPT 470Programming in JAVA II

Pre-Requisites: CPT 101 or 105, CPT 202, MAT 102, CPT 311

Continuing where CPT 111 left off, this course delves into more advanced topics, such as implementing object oriented designs using classes and interfaces, managing operating-system process, building GUIs with JavaFX, hiding information, inheritance, abstract classes, design patterns, listeners, exception handling, and more. At the end of this course, students will be equipped with the skills necessary to write robust, scalable, and optimal Java code effectively.

CPT 490Software Development

Pre-Requisites: CPT 105, CPT 202, CPT 210, CPT 401, two semesters of any programming language

In this course, students will learn the security concepts required in building applications that include security as a priority throughout the entire application design/development process. The course begins with a discussion of core concepts like trust, threats, mitigation, secure design patterns, and cryptography. We then cover the process of designing and reviewing a software design with security considerations in mind. Finally, students will learn about the most common coding flaws that create vulnerabilities, making copious use of code snippets written in C and Python to illustrate implementation vulnerabilities.


ECON 101XEveryday Economics: Financial Decision-Making

Student will be looking at economics from a real world perspective and not as an academic exercise. In formal terms: Economics supply us with a set of analytical tools that help us make sense of the world. After completing this course, students will understand that economics is the study of why and governments and people behave in various ways as a result of various factors that are in play in their everyday lives. On a broad level. we will cover topics that, will help you better understand and evaluate different areas of economics.


ENGL 101English Composition

English Composition is designed to develop students’ abilities to think, organize, and express their ideas clearly and effectively in writing. This course incorporates reading, research, and critical thinking. Emphasis is placed on the various forms of expository writing, such as process, description, narration, analysis, persuasion, and research.

ENGL 102 English Composition II

This course is designed to help students gain mastery over technical, descriptive and persuasive writing. Included are techniques for gaining information through critical thinking and analysis of written word. By the end of this course, students should feel comfortable writing more in-depth documents with the ability to influence the reader.

ENGL 111Literary Analysis

” Animal Farm” is a political allegory written by George Orwell in 1945. This course will explore the novel’s themes and symbolism, as well as its historical and cultural context. Students will analyze the characters, plot, and structure of the novel, and will also consider its relevance to contemporary society. Through close readings of the text, discussions, and writing assignments, students will gain a deeper understanding of the novel and its place in the literary canon. Additionally, the class will also explore the historical background of the novel and how it reflects the political climate of the time.

ENGL 301 Speech: Present Like a Pro

In every job you will need to be able to speak in front of an audience and present information. This class will give you the skills and tools to be a successful presenter and speaker. Study the formula for writing and delivering a speech, including the use of visual aids and talking techniques.


WC 101Foundations

This is an orientation course. In this course students will learn the foundations of what it means to be a college student and, specifically, a student at Woodmont College.


HEB 101XHebrew I

Rigorous study of Modern-Hebrew language. Students will learn the sufficient vocabulary necessary to become conversant in Hebrew, as well as to read and write in Hebrew. Additionally, the students will learn the rules of the grammar needed to conjugate words properly and formulate sentences.

HEB 201Hebrew II

Pre-requisites: HEB 101

The course continues to expand the students’ knowledge and understanding of written and spoken Hebrew, including comprehension of complex sentences, the ability to converse for longer periods of time regarding a variety of topics; work out the meaning of longer utterances; and answer aural questions in Hebrew after listening to an intermediate level Hebrew story. Students will learn how to consistently identify the Who, What, When and Where in short connected texts on basic subjects; work out the meaning of longer passages using textual cues, identify most past, present, and future tense forms of frequent verbs in all Hebrew verb patterns, thereby grasping the chronological sequence of events, meet practical and social writing needs on topics related to the writer’s immediate environment, such as biographical details, school and work, take brief notes on familiar topics and respond in writing to personal questions, write in somewhat descriptive paragraphs, demonstrating full control of simple sentences and use of more complex sentences linked by conjunctions, and translate an intermediate level Hebrew text into English, translate an intermediate level English text into Hebrew.

HEB 202Hebrew I & II

The course helps advance intermediate students into more advanced Modern Hebrew speech, comprehension, reading, and writing. This course will review all Hebrew topics quickly and focus on the application. Students will be expected to write and translate each week to strengthen their grasp on the language.


HIS420Leadership in the Holocaust

This course examines the survival of Jewish religious life in the Holocaust. Learn how, despite the countless horrors committed against them, many Jews observed the commandments and preserved their faith. Discover the profound moral and Halachic dilemmas they faced in ghettos and concentration camps or on the run. Be inspired by the courage of ordinary people and those who led them, preserving their deep Emunah in the face of untold suffering and tragedy.

Jewish History

JHIS 101Survey of Jewish History

This course covers the history of the Jewish people from the destruction of the second temple until the 16th century; post destruction existence in Israel, settlement in Babylon, development of the Talmud, influences of Rome, Christianity and Islam, and the transition to Spain and Europe. The course focuses on major population movements, economic and religious survival, influences of the host nations, chronology and basic geography, development of the Talmud and it commentaries and major figures during these eras.

JHIS 200A Survey of Modern Jewish History

This course covers the history of the Jewish people from the 16th century until the establishment of the State of Israel; Initial Jewish Return to Israel, Religious Renaissance in Tzfat, the Pale of Settlement, Chassidic movement, reformation, Zionism, etc . The course focuses on major population movements, economic and religious survival, influences of the host nations, chronology and basic geography, and events leading up to the modern-day State of Israel.

Jewish Law

JLAW 101Chafetz Chayim: The Laws of Proper Speech

The Laws of Proper Speech, as codified in the book, Chafetz Chaim, are the foundation of many of the laws governing human interaction. Every class begins with a textual analysis, and then proceeds on to a discussion of real-life examples and ways to apply the principles discussed to daily living. The ultimate goal of the course is to encourage self-awareness and self-improvement in the areas of mitzvot bein adam l’chavero (human relations).

JLAW 301XHilchos Shabbos

An in-depth look at the essence of melachos, or prohibited activities on Shabbos. Using Biblical verses as our starting point, we will follow the halachic discussion in the Talmud, and then go on to the halachic rulings of the medieval and contemporary commentaries, ending with the final halacha as it applies today. The main topics covered are cooking and reheating food on Shabbos; benefitting from a prohibited activity on Shabbos; and the melachos of dosh (grinding), memachek (erasing), sechita (wringing), melaben (washing), and kotev (writing).

JLAW 331Laws of Daily Living

Students will study a halachic text such as Shulchan Aruch and a commentary on it, such as Mishneh Berurah or Aruch Hashulchan. Students will study the first section of Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim which discusses a person’s morning rituals and routine. The student will cover many simanim, discussing Tefillin, Tzitzis and davening.

JLAW 332Laws of Festivals

Study of Halacha, Jewish law, pertaining to holy days and festivals. Students will study a halachic text such as Shulchan Aruch and a commentary on it, such as Mishneh Berurah or Aruch Hashulchan. Students will study the third section of Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim. Laws pertaining to festivals and holy days that students will study include bedikat chametz, chol hamoed, shofar, Ten Days of Repentance, Yom Kippur, Chanuka, and Purim

Jewish Philosophy

JPHL 101XFundamentals of Jewish Thought

An introduction to the basics of Jewish philosophy. Fundamentals of Jewish Thought analyzes the tenets of Jewish faith and belief, including Maimonides’s thirteen principles of faith. Other central elements to the Jewish religion are explored as well, including the purpose of mitzvos, prayer, interpersonal relationships, and bitachon.

JPHL102XJewish Ethics Foundations

This course examines the fundamentals of Jewish ethics by addressing three interconnected questions: What exactly is Jewish ethics? What exactly is the purpose of Jewish ethics? Lastly, how does one apply Jewish ethics in their daily life? Throughout the course, using Orchos Tzaddikim as our guide and additional explanatory multimedia, with Halachic, Mussar, or Chassidic sources, we examine how one’s role in the world in relation to other people is inseparable from one’s duties to Hashem in terms of thought, speech, and action (Tzelem Elokim). And, we gain that understanding by examining key concepts and characteristics, such as, shalom, anavah, ahavah, emes, or chessed, or the importance of tzedakah and the main principles of business ethics.

JPHL 121XTishrei to Shvat

In-depth study of the Jewish calendar from the month of Tishrei until Shevat. The course will survey the various holidays and important calendar dates throughout these months, highlighting philosophical ideas, laws, and customs that apply during these times of the year.

JPHL 200XIntroduction to the Oral Tradition

An evaluation of the Oral Law transmission, starting with Moshe and continuing until the current era. In assessing the dissemination of the Oral Law throughout Jewish history, the course analyzes relevant personalities, time periods, Torah works, and locations.

JPHL 220 Jewish Law and Ethics I

The portions of the Torah which address proper business interactions and respect for others’ property and rights form the body of knowledge known as Business Halacha, or Jewish Monetary Law. This course presents issues of integrity in business based on practical examples of Jewish law. The course presents modern issues in business ethics with examples of contemporary Rabbinic court cases for thought-provoking and engaging discussions. Topics covered range from copyright issues, to the fine line between profit-making and overcharging, and accidentally taking someone’s umbrella. Course content has been selected to assist students in developing solid ethical and legal decisions.

JPHL 222Pesach and Shavuos

This course analyzes the sanctity, significance, and characteristics inherent in the festivals of Pesach and Shavuos It also takes a profound multifaceted look at the period between these two festivals known as sefiras ha’omer (the counting of the omer).

JPHL 310Character Development

This course studies selections from the classical ethical works, Chovot HaLevavot by Rabbenu Bachya ibn Pekuda, Tomer Devora by Rabbi Moshe Cordevoro, and Mesilat Yesharim by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato. Chovot HaLevavot discusses Man’s purpose in the world and his obligations to G-d in belief, behavior and character. Tomer Devora describes how Man should adapt and adopt G-d’s Thirteen Attributes of Mercy, transforming himself from a mere human to a G-dly individual. Mesilat Yesharim follows a step by step plan of ascension to spiritual perfection, based on a Gemara which lists 15 steps to reach Ruach Hakodesh, Divine inspiration.
The instructor explicates these fundamental works and looks at key themes found throughout the books and ways in which they can be applied to daily living.

JPHL 321Days of Awe

The Days of Awe, beginning with the month of Elul and concluding with Sukkot, are days of repentance, introspection, self-definition, prayer, and ultimate joy. This course takes a comprehensive look at this emotionally charged period, particularly focusing on the Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur prayers, explaining their structure, the logical sequence of the prayers, and the meaning and symbolism of key tefillot (prayers). Students also examine Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik’s important work on Jewish Thought, Al HaTeshuva, which discusses repentance and self-improvement as a means to growth and ascension in service of Hashem.

JPHL330 Chassidic Thought on the Parsha

Over the last two hundred years, the insights of the great Chassidic masters have helped us to uncover deeper understandings of the Torah that have transformed and enhanced our ability to serve Hashem and develop ourselves. Based upon the Sefer Shem Mishmuel, written by the Chassidic Rebbe, HaRav Shmuel Bornsztain זצ”ל, the second Sochatchover Rebbe, and its English commentary, Living the Chassidic Legacy – Lessons Based on the SHem Mishmuel, by Rav Herschel Reichman שליט”א, this course is centered on the weekly Torah portion. Within each Torah portion, Rabbi Reichman analyzes one or two topics based on the book of Chassidic discourses, the Shem Mishmuel. This course attempts to deepen one’s understanding of the themes presented in the Book of Breishit (Genesis) and Shemot (Exodus), by discussing the narratives presented in this book, and synthesizing them with the comments of the Midrash, the Talmud, and Hasidic thought. The concepts presented are then connected to contemporary life, and the students are able to apply the lessons of the Torah to modern-day issues and challenges.

JPHL 402Writings of Maharal

Students study the books Netivot Olam and Netzach Yisrael, by Rabbi Yehuda Loewe, the Maharal of Prague, a seventeenth century rabbi who authored many books of Jewish philosophy. Students examine the nature of the yetzer hara, the evil inclination. Students
analyze where its power stems from and how to combat it. Students focus on the causes of suffering, and how people can grow from suffering. Additionally, students examine the nature of discord, and define as well as analyze the inherent qualities of peace. Students focus on the causes for the destruction of the First and Second Temples, and the changes in perspective and behavior that must occur in order to rectify this damage.

JPHL 410XTefilla

An evaluation of the fundamentals of prayer, including the various forms of prayer, as well as how prayer relates to the general service of Hashem. Pesukei Dezimra, Shema, and Shemonah Esrei will be studied along with the lessons that can be learned from the different required prayers recited throughout the day.

JPHL 420Remembering the Destruction

Pre-requisites: HEB 101

Jerusalem was once a city that shone with the Divine Presence and rang with the sounds of people serving their Creator. Today, the Temple no longer stands, and our primary goal of sanctifying the name of Hashem seems to be muted. What were the causes of this destruction? What should we do to return to our former glory as G-d’s Holy people, serving Him in Jerusalem? How can we deepen our appreciation of Jewish unity in order to rectify the sin of disunity that caused the destruction? This thought-provoking course explores these questions, and other topics relating to the Three Weeks, The Ninth of Av, and the Tenth of Tevet which commemorate the destruction of the Temple.


MAT 102Algebra

The study of algebra assists students in the rules for manipulating formulae and algebraic expressions involving unknowns and real or complex numbers. The course facilitates the study of properties and patterns that seemingly are a different form of mathematical concepts. Students gain a thorough grounding in the concepts central to their success in mathematics by successfully connecting from concept to concept.

MAT 201Calculus

Pre-requisites: MAT 102

During this course, students learn that calculus is the study of how things change. It provides a framework for modeling systems in which there is change, and a way to deduce the predictions of such models. The course focuses on limits, functions, derivatives, integrals, and infinite series.

MAT 202Statistics

This course is designed to introduce students to Statistics, which is the science of the collection, organization, and interpretation of data. Students will deal with all the aspects of statistics including the planning of data collection in terms of the design of surveys and experiment. The course provides a first exposure to Statistics I that focuses on technological skills to increase statistical literacy, with detailed explanations presented in an easy conversational writing style. The lessons use a step by step problem solving approach that helps students understand complex statistical concepts, while incorporating educational trends that stress student understanding of basic statistical concepts with the help of technological devices.


PSYC 101XPsychology: Emotional Wellbeing

This engaging online course explores the fundamentals of psychology, including human behavior, cognition, emotion, sensation, perception, learning, and family, community, and workplace relationships. It also addresses common issues such as stress and how to manage it, identifying and treating certain psychological disorders, methodological-ethical concerns in the field, or how psychology may relate to Jewish life. So whether you are new to psychology or want to brush up on old knowledge, this course will serve as a comprehensive guide, offering valuable insights into the complex nature of the human mind and behavior.

PSY 201Introduction to Counseling

This course will give students an overview of the field of counseling psychology, its history, theories and methods. Students will also be introduced to the ethical and legal challenges of this profession as it is practiced in a multicultural society. The course will explore a number of counseling theories and techniques. In addition, students will become acquainted with the many applications and settings in which counseling takes place.


BIOL 101X Foundations of Life: Creative Problem-Solving with Biology

This introductory course covers fundamental principles of biology, including cell structure and function, metabolism, reproduction, plant physiology, genetics, and molecular biology. Objectives include understanding core biological systems and mechanisms, exploring key scientific experiments and discoveries, and developing scientific problem-solving skills. Upon completion, you will not only grasp the tapestry of life at the microscopic level but also cultivate the analytical mindset of a budding biologist.

PHYS 101XThe World of Physics: Creative Problem-Solving

Explore the underlying principles of the world around you with your senses! Be able to appreciate and apply physical concepts such as Newton’s laws of motion, the electromagnetic spectrum, the Doppler effect, and electric charge to your life. Use these concepts to analyze halachic questions and to experiment with projects on force, light, and music. Be able to communicate your understanding to others in informative and engaging outlets.

CHEM 101XThe Chemistry of Life

Gain a comprehensive understanding of basic chemistry concepts in this course. Explore fundamental topics such as atomic structure, bonding, reactions, and intermolecular forces. Dive into advanced subjects like thermodynamics, chemical reactions, and organic chemistry. Develop skills in balancing equations, understanding acids and bases, and applying chemistry to practical scenarios. By the end, you’ll be proficient in articulating chemistry concepts and applying them in real-world contexts.

ENSC 101 Examining the Environment

This course aims to offer students a comprehensive understanding of the intricate composition of our planet, highlighting the interconnected components that collectively form the ecosystem sustaining life on Earth.

Social Sciences

EDUC 250XEducation Technology

This course combines relevant teaching methodologies with simple-to-use technology that will show you how class can be a fun but powerful learning experience. The pedagogic approach taught in this class focuses on the constructivist method, the most promoted and encouraged approach for learning in education today. One might remember passively sitting in class listening to a teacher; the constructivist approach rejects that method and demonstrates a more active-learning teaching strategy. Thirty years ago, active learning might pose a challenge due to the limits of what materials and resources are easily accessible to make learning interactive. However, technology brings about a whole new slew of opportunities for active learning in the classroom. We will take that technology and help us practical apply the principles of active learning in the classroom.

GOVT 101X Making Minds Meet: Conflict & Mediation Understood Through US Government

This course teaches the essential skill of Conflict Resolution and Mediation by exploring the dynamics of the United States Government, its branches, citizens’ roles, and policy-making evolution. It focuses on identifying conflicts, mediating disputes, and promoting understanding of social, economic, and political issues.

HIST 101X Forensic History: Research skills through the American story

This course teaches students the essential skills of conducting research. It covers the full scope of American history, from its inception to its evolution into a global powerhouse. Students learn to apply thinking skills (such as, causation, comparison, context, continuity, and change), conduct research in primary and secondary sources, and present their findings effectively.

SOC 201Pirkei Avos Ethics Of Our Fathers I (DA)

Pirkei Avos is a tractate of mishnayot Nezikin, Damages. Students will study Prikei Avos, Ethics of Our Fathers. They will demonstrate competency in the text and main commentators such as Rabeinu Yonah and Rashi.

SOC 202 SOC202 Pirkei Avos Ethics Of Our Fathers II (DA)

This course explores chapters 4 and 5 of Pirkei Avos, Ethics of Our Fathers, with the commentary of Rabeinu Yonah.


SOCI 101X Social Intelligence

This engaging introductory course offers students a thorough exploration of the field of sociology. Learners will delve into the complexities of social behavior and human groups, focusing on social structure, interaction, and change. Key topics covered include culture, socialization, social institutions, social stratification, race and ethnicity, family, education, and the impacts of technology, media, and globalization on society. Students will also be introduced to the various theoretical perspectives in sociology, including functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. The course emphasizes critical thinking, encouraging students to apply sociological concepts and theories to their everyday experiences and to analyze current social issues. Through this course, students will gain an understanding of the social forces that shape modern industrial and post-industrial societies.


TALM 110XBeginner Talmud

In-depth study of Talmud at the introductory level: Students will analyze the text of Talmud line by line in the original Aramaic. They will focus on the grammar and structure of the Talmud while building skills to read, translate and punctuate the text of the Talmud.

TALM 210XLearning the Talmud

Skill-based study of Talmud at the beginner level: The beginner level incorporates the introductory course and expands on it with adding more skills and greater analysis of the text and commentaries. Students will analyze the text of Talmud line by line in the original Aramaic, developing their Talmud skills. Students will study pages of a Tractate in depth, through a combination of structured preparation time in a Beit Midrash setting and lecture.

TALM 310XIntermediate Talmud

Pre-requisite: TALM 110 or TALM 210

In‐depth study of Talmud at the intermediate level. Students will read and analyze the text of Talmud and study it using Rashi and Tosfot, medieval commentators on the Talmud. The focus of the course is gaining a proficiency in reading, analyzing and summarizing Rashi and Tosfot. Students will study 3‐10 pages of a Tractate.

TALM 320XTalmud with Rishonim

In‐depth study of Talmud at the intermediate level: Students will analyze the text of Talmud and study it using Rashi and Tosfot, medieval commentators on the Talmud. They will study 3‐10 pages of a Tractate. The course will include later commentaries and require to apply the information learned to other contexts and tractates

TALM 420XAdvanced Talmud

This is an advanced course in Talmud. This course focuses on learning the content of the Talmud, specifically in Masechet Gittin. The student will become familiar with the give and take in the Talmud and the interpretation of the commentaries on the Talmud.


EDUC 501 Foundations of Learning and Implications for Teaching

Examine theories and philosophies of how students learn and relate them to current educational aims and practices. Strengthen your own philosophy about education and thoughtfully implement it in your own classrooms.

EDUC 520Curriculum Theory and Design

Identify, study, and apply curriculum design models across learning environments to meet learning objectives, state standards, and student needs. Practically apply curriculum planning, development, implementation, and evaluation within the classroom. Describe and analyze your own instructional planning, teaching practice, and learning environment. Use state standards to design learning activities, assessments, and scoring guides that will prioritize learning based on the curriculum.

EDUC 531Assessment and Evaluation of Student Achievement

Pre-requisite: EDUC 520

Analyze the role of assessment in curricula to determine authentic assessments. Develop and build assessments using measurement methods and through data-driven decisionmaking. Explore the different types of assessments and their use for guiding curricular decisions, differentiating instruction, fostering student achievement, and improving teacher performance. Investigate the importance of reliable assessments through fair grading practices, rubrics, portfolios, and student feedback. Master education technology tools as means for assessment alternatives.

EDUC 532Methods and Strategies for Effective Instruction

Pre-requisite: EDUC 520

Examine instructional trends that engage students in learning through instruction or learning strategies such as graphic organizers, class-wide peer tutoring, paraphrasing, station rotations, and the Socratic Seminar. Excel in the active learning methodology and practice using technology and multimedia as part of instruction. Describe and reflect on your instructional planning, teaching practice, and learning environment. Peer review other participants’ reflections.

STEM Education

EDUC 601 Teaching to STEM

Research philosophy, perspectives and pedagogy that make STEM learning successful. Discover and discuss the different methodologies and engagements necessary for truly integrated STEM learning. Incorporate technology and engineering tools, practices, and standards that contribute to K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education in your curriculum.

EDUC 611Technology in the Classroom

Investigate the theoretical underpinnings of the field of Educational Technology. Study current methods and research projects in effect, as well as future trends, as technology in learning evolves as a practice. Learn how to use technology as an effective learning tool and leave equipped with a robust arsenal of digital tools and instructional techniques that can be used to enhance learning outcomes in your classroom.

EDUC 622Developing Innovators and Driving Innovation

Pre-requisite: EDUC 601

Design content-based integrated STEM curricula with appropriate assessments. Specialize in developing innovation capabilities in your students by fostering scientific and mathematical thinking and practices, and exploring discovery skills such as associating, questioning, observing, networking, and experimenting. Learn how to create a culture of innovation and provide learning opportunities that promote perseverance, encourage curiosity, and ignite intrinsic motivation.


EDUC 630Research methods

Interpret and compare qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, and action research studies. Evaluate the quality and value of different research methodologies. Apply statistical procedures conducted in educational research and program evaluation through both qualitative and quantitative techniques. Use experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental designs to determine the best solutions to educational problems and issues. Study components of research papers such as ethics in educational research, the development of a research question, an annotated bibliography, a literature review, statistical techniques, causation, validity and reliability, and testing and assessments relevant to educational settings.


EDUC 540Ethics in Education

Study Jewish sources for a theoretical and practical understanding of Jewish ethics concerning education and the role of the educator. Consider how particular philosophical ideas inform educational values, and how they might be articulated in your own ethical teaching practice. Apply fundamental moral principles in the Jewish faith to create a classroom culture of
respect and sensitivity.


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